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Graphic Designer, UI Designer, Material Design Thinker.

I'm devoted to the research of inside design philosophy of Google's Material Design, as well as the balance between classical skeuomorphism and modern design languages.

The Projects

Created or Contributed

Meeye Iconpack

An iconpack inspired by Nokia Meego Harmattan.

An iconpack for Android customization, first created by me while now the design team has five designers.
Launched in the autumn of 2017, first released a month later and is now still in maintenance.


Sorcery Iconpack

An iconpack based on Google's Material Guideline.

An iconpack for Android customization, first created by SorcererXW and I joined the projects in the autumn of 2016. The iconpack that has the most coverage rate on


Personally contributed over 500 icons till now and the number is still growing.

Web Design

I am devoted into the design works, including design languages' deep research, early stage UX wireframes, hihe quality UX flows, design resources, etc. Feel free to contact if you are interested in the cooperation with me.

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